We continually strive to work with our CFS / M.E. patients

We have honed our training and techniques through working with Dr Raymond Perrin to evolve our treatment of CFS/ M.E. Dr Perrin, an internationally renowned Researcher and Osteopath, has brought to light several key features of CFS/ M.E. and has developed an effective means of diagnosis and treatment, known as The Perrin Technique. New research published in BMJ Open, a peer-reviewed medical journal, recognises that The Perrin Technique is far more effective than current methods at assessing the five physical signs of this condition.

We continually strive to work with our CFS/ M.E. patients to help them gain knowledge, then acceptance and empowerment followed by resolution. Through this process, we help our patients find greater clarity and choice to lead a more fulfilling life.

What we know so far about CFS/ M.E.

CFS/ M.E. is not a new condition and symptoms were first noted during the American Civil War. However the main issues with this condition are stress (physical and emotional) and toxicity (infectious, allergies, pollution and disease).

These two symptoms are ever present in our society and on the rise due to the pressures of life and environment we live in. Sometimes a more short-term presentation of these symptoms creates a post-viral fatigue syndrome of responses, similar to CFS/ M.E. These can often resolve with time and rest or they may go on to become more chronic symptoms of fatigue.

How we help CFS/ M.E.

We have honed our training and techniques through working with Dr Raymond Perrin to evolve our treatment of CFS/ M.E.

Dr Perrin, an internationally renowned Researcher and Osteopath, has brought to light several key features of CFS/ M.E. and has developed an effective means of diagnosis and treatment, known as The Perrin Technique. New research published in BMJ Open, a peer-reviewed medical journal, recognises that The Perrin Technique is far more effective than current methods at assessing the five physical signs of this condition.

We continually strive to work with our CFS/ M.E. patients to help them gain knowledge, then acceptance and empowerment followed by resolution. Through this process, we help our patients find greater clarity and choice to lead a more fulfilling life.

Symptoms of CFS / M.E. It seems that CFS/M.E. occurs when: